#1-account-management #10
22 changed files with 622 additions and 43 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Header from "./components/Header.vue";
import Footer from "./components/Footer.vue";
import { mapState } from "pinia";
import { useAuthStore } from "./stores/auth";
import { isAuthenticatedPromise } from "./router/authGuards";
import { isAuthenticatedPromise } from "./router/authGuard";
import ContextMenu from "./components/ContextMenu.vue";
import Modal from "./components/Modal.vue";
@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
v-if="authCheck && routeName.includes('admin')"
v-if="authCheck && (routeName.includes('admin') || routeName.includes('account'))"
class="md:hidden flex flex-row h-16 min-h-16 justify-center md:justify-normal p-1 bg-white"
<div class="w-full flex flex-row gap-2 h-full align-middle">
<TopLevelLink v-for="item in topLevel" :key="item.key" :link="item" :disableSubLink="true" />
v-for="item in topLevel"
<TopLevelLink v-else :link="{ key: 'club', title: 'Zur Verwaltung' }" :disableSubLink="true" />
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
<h1 v-if="false" class="font-bold text-3xl w-fit whitespace-nowrap">Mitgliederverwaltung</h1>
<div class="flex flex-row gap-2 items-center">
<div v-if="authCheck && routeName.includes('admin')" class="hidden md:flex flex-row gap-2 h-full align-middle">
<TopLevelLink v-for="item in topLevel" :key="item.key" :link="item" />
<div v-if="authCheck" class="hidden md:flex flex-row gap-2 h-full align-middle">
<TopLevelLink v-if="routeName.includes('admin')" v-for="item in topLevel" :key="item.key" :link="item" />
<TopLevelLink v-else :link="{ key: 'club', title: 'Zur Verwaltung' }" :disable-sub-link="true" />
<UserMenu v-if="authCheck" />
@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
<button primary-outline @click="logoutAccount">ausloggen</button>
<button primary-outline @click="logoutAccount">ausloggen</button>
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 max-w-2xl mx-auto w-full select-none">
class="flex flex-col gap-2 max-w-2xl mx-auto w-full select-none"
:class="disableEdit ? ' pointer-events-none opacity-60 bg-gray-100/50' : ''"
<div class="flex flex-row gap-2 h-fit w-full border border-gray-300 rounded-md p-2">
<input type="checkbox" name="admin" id="admin" class="cursor-pointer" :checked="isAdmin" @change="toggleAdmin" />
<label for="admin" class="cursor-pointer">Administratorrecht</label>
@ -8,7 +11,7 @@
v-for="section in sections"
class="flex flex-col gap-2 h-fit w-full border border-primary rounded-md"
:class="isAdmin ? ' pointer-events-none opacity-60 bg-gray-100' : ''"
:class="isAdmin && !disableEdit ? ' pointer-events-none opacity-60 bg-gray-100' : ''"
<div class="bg-primary p-2 text-white flex flex-row justify-between items-center">
<p>Abschnitt: {{ section }}</p>
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@
<div class="flex flex-row gap-2 self-end pt-4">
<div v-if="!disableEdit" class="flex flex-row gap-2 self-end pt-4">
<button primary-outline class="!w-fit" @click="reset" :disabled="canSaveOrReset">verwerfen</button>
<button primary class="!w-fit" @click="submit" :disabled="status == 'loading' || canSaveOrReset">
@ -109,6 +112,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
type: [Object, String, null] as PropType<null | "loading" | { status: "success" | "failed"; message?: string }>,
default: null,
disableEdit: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
watch: {
permissions() {
@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
<RouterLink v-if="link" :to="{ name: `admin-${activeNavigation}-${link.key}` }">
<RouterLink v-if="link" :to="link">
class="cursor-pointer w-full px-2 py-3"
activeLink == link.key
? 'rounded-r-lg bg-red-200 border-l-4 border-l-primary'
: 'pl-3 hover:bg-red-200 rounded-lg'
:class="active ? 'rounded-r-lg bg-red-200 border-l-4 border-l-primary' : 'pl-3 hover:bg-red-200 rounded-lg'"
{{ link.title }}
{{ title }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, type PropType } from "vue";
import { RouterLink } from "vue-router";
import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia";
import { useNavigationStore, type navigationLinkModel } from "@/stores/admin/navigation";
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, type PropType } from "vue";
import { RouterLink } from "vue-router";
export default defineComponent({
props: {
link: {
type: Object as PropType<navigationLinkModel>,
default: null,
title: {
type: String,
default: "LINK",
link: {
type: [String, Object as PropType<{ name: string }>],
default: "/",
active: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
computed: {
...mapState(useNavigationStore, ["activeLink", "activeNavigation"]),
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ body {
@apply w-full h-full overflow-hidden flex flex-col;
button:not([headlessui]):not([id*="headlessui"]):not([class*="headlessui"]):not([class*="ql"] *):not([class*="fc"]),
button:not([class*="ql"] *):not([class*="fc"]):not([headlessui]):not([id*="headlessui"]):not([class*="headlessui"]),
a[button] {
@apply relative box-border h-10 w-full flex justify-center py-2 px-4 text-sm font-medium rounded-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-0;
@ -22,3 +22,16 @@ export async function abilityAndNavUpdate(to: any, from: any, next: any) {
export async function isOwner(to: any, from: any, next: any) {
const ability = useAbilityStore();
if (ability.isOwner) {
} else {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export async function isAuthenticated(to: any, from: any, next: any) {
export async function isAuthenticatedPromise(): Promise<Payload> {
export async function isAuthenticatedPromise(forceRefresh: boolean = false): Promise<Payload> {
return new Promise<Payload>(async (resolve, reject) => {
const auth = useAuthStore();
const account = useAccountStore();
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export async function isAuthenticatedPromise(): Promise<Payload> {
// check jwt expiry
const exp = decoded.exp ?? 0;
const correctedLocalTime = new Date().getTime();
if (exp < Math.floor(correctedLocalTime / 1000)) {
if (exp < Math.floor(correctedLocalTime / 1000) || forceRefresh) {
await refreshToken()
.then(() => {
console.log("fetched new token");
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
import Login from "@/views/Login.vue";
import { isAuthenticated } from "./authGuards";
import { isAuthenticated } from "./authGuard";
import { loadAccountData } from "./accountGuard";
import { isSetup } from "./setupGuard";
import { abilityAndNavUpdate } from "./adminGuard";
@ -450,6 +450,44 @@ const router = createRouter({
path: "/account",
name: "account",
component: () => import("@/views/account/View.vue"),
beforeEnter: [isAuthenticated],
children: [
path: "",
name: "account-default",
component: () => import("@/views/account/ViewSelect.vue"),
path: "me",
name: "account-me",
component: () => import("@/views/account/Me.vue"),
path: "logindata",
name: "account-logindata",
component: () => import("@/views/account/LoginData.vue"),
path: "permission",
name: "account-permission",
component: () => import("@/views/account/Permission.vue"),
path: "administration",
name: "account-administration",
component: () => import("@/views/account/Administration.vue"),
path: ":pathMatch(.*)*",
name: "account-404",
component: () => import("@/views/notFound.vue"),
path: "/nopermissions",
name: "nopermissions",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import axios from "axios";
import { isAuthenticatedPromise, type Payload } from "./router/authGuards";
import { isAuthenticatedPromise, type Payload } from "./router/authGuard";
import router from "./router";
let devMode = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development";
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export const useNavigationStore = defineStore("navigation", {
main: [
...(abilityStore.can("read", "club", "member") ? [{ key: "member", title: "Mitglieder" }] : []),
...(abilityStore.can("read", "club", "calendar") ? [{ key: "calendar", title: "Kalender" }] : []),
...(abilityStore.can("read", "club", "protocoll") ? [{ key: "protocol", title: "Protokolle" }] : []),
...(abilityStore.can("read", "club", "protocol") ? [{ key: "protocol", title: "Protokolle" }] : []),
...(abilityStore.can("read", "club", "newsletter") ? [{ key: "newsletter", title: "Newsletter" }] : []),
@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
<div v-if="!defaultRoute && showBack" class="flex md:hidden flex-row items-baseline">
v-if="!defaultRoute && showBack"
:to="{ name: `${rootRoute}-${activeNavigation}-default` }"
overviewFullOverwrite ??
`${rootRoute}${useStagedOverviewLink ? '-' + (overviewOverwrite ?? activeNavigation) : ''}-default`,
class="mid:hidden text-primary"
zur Übersicht
@ -31,10 +35,18 @@ import { useNavigationStore } from "@/stores/admin/navigation";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
props: {
header: {
overviewFullOverwrite: {
type: String,
default: null,
overviewOverwrite: {
type: String,
default: null,
useStagedOverviewLink: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
showBack: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
<MainTemplate :useStagedOverviewLink="false">
<template #topBar>
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between pt-5 pb-3 px-7">
<h1 class="font-bold text-xl h-8">Administration übertragen</h1>
<template #main>
<Spinner v-if="loading == 'loading'" class="mx-auto" />
<p v-else-if="loading == 'failed'">laden fehlgeschlagen</p>
<form v-else class="flex flex-col gap-4 py-2 w-full max-w-xl mx-auto" @submit.prevent="triggerTransfer">
<div class="w-full">
<Combobox v-model="selected">
<ComboboxLabel>Nutzer suchen</ComboboxLabel>
<div class="relative mt-1">
class="rounded-md shadow-sm relative block w-full px-3 py-2 border border-gray-300 focus:border-primary placeholder-gray-500 text-gray-900 rounded-b-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-0 focus:z-10 sm:text-sm resize-none"
:displayValue="(person) => person.firstname + ' ' + person.lastname"
@input="query = $event.target.value"
<ComboboxButton class="absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-2">
<ChevronUpDownIcon class="h-5 w-5 text-gray-400" aria-hidden="true" />
leave="transition ease-in duration-100"
@after-leave="query = ''"
class="absolute z-10 mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-md ring-1 ring-black/5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm"
<ComboboxOption v-if="filtered.length === 0" as="template" disabled>
<li class="text-text relative cursor-default select-none py-2 pl-3 pr-4">
<span class="font-normal block truncate">Keine Auswahl</span>
v-for="user in filtered"
v-slot="{ selected, active }"
class="relative cursor-default select-none py-2 pl-10 pr-4"
'bg-primary text-white': active,
'text-gray-900': !active,
<span class="block truncate" :class="{ 'font-medium': selected, 'font-normal': !selected }">
{{ user.firstname }} {{ user.lastname }} {{ user.nameaffix }}
class="absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3"
:class="{ 'text-white': active, 'text-primary': !active }"
<CheckIcon class="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" />
<div class="flex flex-row justify-end gap-2">
<button primary-outline type="reset" class="!w-fit" @click="selected = undefined">abbrechen</button>
<button primary type="submit" class="!w-fit" :disabled="status == 'loading' || selected == undefined">
<Spinner v-if="status == 'loading'" class="my-auto" />
<SuccessCheckmark v-else-if="status?.status == 'success'" />
<FailureXMark v-else-if="status?.status == 'failed'" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, markRaw, defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
import { mapActions, mapState } from "pinia";
import MainTemplate from "@/templates/Main.vue";
import Spinner from "@/components/Spinner.vue";
import SuccessCheckmark from "@/components/SuccessCheckmark.vue";
import FailureXMark from "@/components/FailureXMark.vue";
import { useUserStore } from "@/stores/admin/user";
import { isAuthenticatedPromise } from "@/router/authGuard";
import {
} from "@headlessui/vue";
import { CheckIcon, ChevronUpDownIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/20/solid";
import type { UserViewModel } from "@/viewmodels/admin/user.models";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
status: null as null | "loading" | { status: "success" | "failed"; reason?: string },
query: "" as String,
selected: undefined as UserViewModel | undefined,
computed: {
...mapState(useUserStore, ["users", "loading"]),
filtered(): Array<UserViewModel> {
return this.query === ""
? this.users
: this.users.filter((user) =>
(user.firstname + " " + user.lastname)
.replace(/\s+/g, "")
.includes(this.query.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ""))
sorted(): Array<MemberViewModel> {
return this.selected.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.lastname < b.lastname) return -1;
if (a.lastname > b.lastname) return 1;
if (a.firstname < b.firstname) return -1;
if (a.firstname > b.firstname) return 1;
return 0;
mounted() {
methods: {
...mapActions(useUserStore, ["fetchUsers"]),
triggerTransfer(e: any) {
if (this.selected == undefined) return;
this.status = "loading";
.put(`/user/transferOwner`, {
toId: this.selected.id,
.then(() => {
isAuthenticatedPromise(true).catch(() => {});
this.status = { status: "success" };
setTimeout(() => {
this.$router.push({ name: "account-default" });
}, 2000);
.catch((err) => {
this.status = { status: "failed" };
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
<MainTemplate :useStagedOverviewLink="false">
<template #topBar>
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between pt-5 pb-3 px-7">
<h1 class="font-bold text-xl h-8">Meine Anmeldedaten</h1>
<template #diffMain>
<div class="flex flex-col w-full h-full gap-2 justify-between px-7 overflow-hidden">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<img :src="image" alt="totp" class="w-56 h-56 self-center" />
<div class="flex relative">
<input type="text" :value="otp" />
class="w-5 h-5 p-2 box-content absolute right-1 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 bg-white cursor-pointer"
<div v-if="copySuccess" class="absolute w-5 h-5 right-3 top-[10px]">
<SuccessCheckmark />
<form class="flex flex-col gap-2" @submit.prevent="verify">
<div class="-space-y-px">
<input id="totp" name="totp" type="text" required placeholder="TOTP prüfen" />
<div class="flex flex-row gap-2">
<button type="submit" primary :disabled="verifyStatus == 'loading' || verifyStatus == 'success'">
TOTP prüfen
<Spinner v-if="verifyStatus == 'loading'" class="my-auto" />
<SuccessCheckmark v-else-if="verifyStatus == 'success'" />
<FailureXMark v-else-if="verifyStatus == 'failed'" />
<p v-if="verifyError" class="text-center">{{ verifyError }}</p>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, markRaw, defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
import { mapActions, mapState } from "pinia";
import MainTemplate from "@/templates/Main.vue";
import Spinner from "@/components/Spinner.vue";
import SuccessCheckmark from "@/components/SuccessCheckmark.vue";
import FailureXMark from "@/components/FailureXMark.vue";
import { ClipboardIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/24/outline";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
verification: "loading" as "success" | "loading" | "failed",
image: undefined as undefined | string,
otp: undefined as undefined | string,
verifyStatus: undefined as undefined | "loading" | "success" | "failed",
verifyError: "" as string,
copySuccess: false,
timeoutCopy: undefined as any,
mounted() {
.then((result) => {
this.verification = "success";
this.image = result.data.dataUrl;
this.otp = result.data.otp;
.catch((err) => {
this.verification = "failed";
methods: {
verify(e: any) {
let formData = e.target.elements;
this.verifyStatus = "loading";
this.verifyError = "";
.post(`/user/verify`, {
totp: formData.totp.value,
.then((result) => {
this.verifyStatus = "success";
.catch((err) => {
this.verifyStatus = "failed";
this.verifyError = err.response.data;
.finally(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.verifyStatus = undefined;
}, 2000);
copyToClipboard() {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.otp ?? "");
this.copySuccess = true;
this.timeoutCopy = setTimeout(() => {
this.copySuccess = false;
}, 2000);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
<MainTemplate :useStagedOverviewLink="false">
<template #topBar>
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between pt-5 pb-3 px-7">
<h1 class="font-bold text-xl h-8">Mein Account</h1>
<template #main>
<Spinner v-if="loading == 'loading'" class="mx-auto" />
<p v-else-if="loading == 'failed'">laden fehlgeschlagen</p>
v-else-if="user != null"
class="flex flex-col gap-4 py-2 w-full max-w-xl mx-auto"
<label for="username">Nutzername</label>
<input type="text" id="username" required v-model="user.username" />
<label for="firstname">Vorname</label>
<input type="text" id="firstname" required v-model="user.firstname" />
<label for="lastname">Nachname</label>
<input type="text" id="lastname" required v-model="user.lastname" />
<label for="mail">Mailadresse</label>
<input type="email" id="mail" required v-model="user.mail" />
<div class="flex flex-row justify-end gap-2">
<button primary-outline type="reset" class="!w-fit" :disabled="canSaveOrReset" @click="resetForm">
<button primary type="submit" class="!w-fit" :disabled="status == 'loading' || canSaveOrReset">
<Spinner v-if="status == 'loading'" class="my-auto" />
<SuccessCheckmark v-else-if="status?.status == 'success'" />
<FailureXMark v-else-if="status?.status == 'failed'" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, markRaw, defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
import { mapActions, mapState } from "pinia";
import MainTemplate from "@/templates/Main.vue";
import Spinner from "@/components/Spinner.vue";
import SuccessCheckmark from "@/components/SuccessCheckmark.vue";
import FailureXMark from "@/components/FailureXMark.vue";
import cloneDeep from "lodash.clonedeep";
import isEqual from "lodash.isEqual";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
loading: "loading" as "loading" | "fetched" | "failed",
status: null as null | "loading" | { status: "success" | "failed"; reason?: string },
origin: null as null | UserViewModel,
user: null as null | UserViewModel,
timeout: null as any,
computed: {
canSaveOrReset(): boolean {
return isEqual(this.origin, this.user);
mounted() {
beforeUnmount() {
try {
} catch (error) {}
methods: {
resetForm() {
this.user = cloneDeep(this.origin);
fetchItem() {
.then((result) => {
this.loading = "fetched";
this.user = result.data;
this.origin = cloneDeep(result.data);
.catch((err) => {
this.loading = "failed";
triggerUpdateUser(e: any) {
if (this.user == null) return;
let formData = e.target.elements;
this.status = "loading";
.patch(`/user/me`, {
username: formData.username.value,
firstname: formData.firstname.value,
lastname: formData.lastname.value,
mail: formData.mail.value,
.then(() => {
this.status = { status: "success" };
.catch((err) => {
this.status = { status: "failed" };
.finally(() => {
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.status = null;
}, 2000);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<MainTemplate :useStagedOverviewLink="false">
<template #topBar>
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between pt-5 pb-3 px-7">
<h1 class="font-bold text-xl h-8">Meine Berechtigungen</h1>
<template #main>
<Permission :permissions="permissions" :disableEdit="true" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, markRaw, defineAsyncComponent } from "vue";
import { mapActions, mapState } from "pinia";
import MainTemplate from "@/templates/Main.vue";
import Permission from "@/components/admin/Permission.vue";
import { useAbilityStore } from "@/stores/ability";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {};
computed: {
...mapState(useAbilityStore, ["permissions"]),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<template #sidebar>
<SidebarTemplate mainTitle="Mein Account" topTitle="Mitgliederverwaltung" :showTopList="isOwner">
<template v-if="isOwner" #topList>
:link="{ name: 'account-administration' }"
:active="activeRouteName == 'account-administration'"
<template #list>
<RoutingLink title="Mein Account" :link="{ name: 'account-me' }" :active="activeRouteName == 'account-me'" />
:link="{ name: 'account-logindata' }"
:active="activeRouteName == 'account-logindata'"
title="Meine Berechtigungen"
:link="{ name: 'account-permission' }"
:active="activeRouteName == 'account-permission'"
<template #main>
<RouterView />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { mapState, mapActions } from "pinia";
import SidebarLayout from "@/layouts/Sidebar.vue";
import SidebarTemplate from "@/templates/Sidebar.vue";
import RoutingLink from "@/components/admin/RoutingLink.vue";
import { RouterView } from "vue-router";
import { useAbilityStore } from "@/stores/ability";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
computed: {
...mapState(useAbilityStore, ["isOwner"]),
activeRouteName() {
return this.$route.name;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<div class="w-full h-full bg-white rounded-md flex items-center justify-center">bitte auswählen</div>
@ -7,10 +7,22 @@
:showTopList="activeNavigationObject.top != null"
<template #topList>
<RoutingLink v-for="item in activeNavigationObject.top" :key="item.key" :link="item" />
v-for="item in activeNavigationObject.top"
:link="{ name: `admin-${activeNavigation}-${item.key}` }"
:active="activeLink == item.key"
<template #list>
<RoutingLink v-for="item in activeNavigationObject.main" :key="item.key" :link="item" />
v-for="item in activeNavigationObject.main"
:link="{ name: `admin-${activeNavigation}-${item.key}` }"
:active="activeLink == item.key"
@ -33,14 +45,13 @@ import { RouterView } from "vue-router";
<script lang="ts">
export default defineComponent({
props: {
contestId: {
type: String,
default: "",
computed: {
...mapState(useNavigationStore, ["activeNavigationObject", "activeTopLevelObject", "activeLink"]),
...mapState(useNavigationStore, [
created() {
useAbilityStore().$subscribe(() => {
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ import { TrashIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/24/outline";
import { useProtocolStore } from "@/stores/admin/protocol";
import { useMemberStore } from "@/stores/admin/member";
import type { MemberViewModel } from "@/viewmodels/admin/member.models";
import { useProtocolPresenceStore } from "../../../../stores/admin/protocolPresence";
import { useProtocolPresenceStore } from "@/stores/admin/protocolPresence";
<script lang="ts">
@ -23,7 +23,9 @@
class="w-5 h-5 p-2 box-content absolute right-1 top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 bg-white cursor-pointer"
<SuccessCheckmark v-if="copySuccess" class="absolute right-3 top-[10px]" />
<div v-if="copySuccess" class="absolute w-5 h-5 right-3 top-[10px]">
<SuccessCheckmark />
<div class="-space-y-px">
Reference in a new issue